Passionflower Extract Powder | 8057-62-3
Ingcaciso yeMveliso:
Ingcaciso yeMveliso:
I-Passionflower Extract Powder yiyo yonke i-herbal extract of Passiflora genus Passiflora genus of Passifloraceae.
Inemisebenzi yokukhupha umoya kunye nomswakama, ukukhuthaza ukujikeleza kwegazi kunye nokunciphisa intlungu, ukususa ubushushu, ukukhulula i-phlegm kunye nokusombulula ukukhwehlela.
Kwi-rheumatic arthralgia, iintlungu ze-colic, i-dysmenorrhea, i-neuralgia, ukuphuthelwa, isiyezi sobushushu bomoya, ukuxinana kweempumlo kunye neempumlo ezibalekayo.
Ukusebenza kunye nendima yePassionflower Extract Powder:
1. Umsebenzi wokulwa nomhlaza
Isiqu kunye nesicatshulwa segqabi se-Passionflower Extract Powder sinefuthe le-cytotoxic kwi-leukemia ye-mouse ye-P388 iiseli, kodwa i-4-hydroxy-2-cyclopentaenone equlethwe kuyo nayo inefuthe le-cytotoxic kwiiseli ze-mammalian ezibamba (BSC).
2. I-Antibacterial kunye ne-anti-inflammatory effects
Izifundo ezininzi ziye zafumanisa ukuba i-passicol equlethwe kwi-passionflower inomsebenzi we-antibacterial kunye ne-antifungal. I-P.edulis Microsprumgyseum, i-Chrysosporiumtropicum kunye ne-Trichophytonterretre ibonise umsebenzi wokuthintela.
3. Impembelelo ye-Antitussive
I-Passionflower Extract Powder inokunciphisa ukuxhomekeka kwizinto ezithintela ukukhohlela.
4. Umsebenzi we-Antioxidant
Ngenxa yokuba i-Passionflower Extract Powder ityebile kwi-polyphenols, ibonisa umsebenzi onamandla we-antioxidant kuzo zombini kwi-vivo kunye ne-in vitro experiments.